Welcome to Your Healing and Manifesting Journey!

Are you ready to activate yourself to the next level?
It's time to heal, grow, and manifest the life you are truly meant for with The Activation Method®.
Does this sound like you?
If any of this resonates, you are meant for more. And it’s time to embrace your higher purpose.
What is The Activation Method™?
A powerful healing and manifesting modality
that will take you beyond your current healing and coaching methods and rapidly ascend you. We are all about getting you long lasting results fast, which is why The Activation Method™ is so powerful.
The reason it gets such powerful results
is because we work with the ego, the higher mind and all four bodies. Meaning the transformation is embodied on all levels, energetically equipping you to quantum leap your reality.

How The Activation Method™ Works
The Activation Method™ works by re-programming your unconscious mind, helping you to focus on your desires instead of continuously falling back into default and staying stuck in the same old story.
We bring conscious awareness to the problem
We feel into where you are holding it in your physical body or energy system and take you back to the root cause of when it first occurred.
Here's the Process
Acknowledge The Root Cause: We help you to acknowledge the root cause of the issue/block we are working on, we tap in and take you back to when it first occurred.
Clear The Emotions: We release the negative emotions by clearing them and sending them to the light with love.
Transmute The Energy: We transmute all the energy chords - we cut them, pull them and transmute them to the light, clearing all the energy attachments from the event AND whoever is inside of the event.
Invitation To Forget: We bring in forgiveness - forgiving anyone who is associated or involved within this event.
Validate The Inner Child: We incorporate inner child healing after forgiveness, integrating that part of yourself, bringing wholeness and healing into the session.
Accept The Positive Lessons: We then work with the unconscious mind - re-coding all limiting beliefs and reframing the perception inside of the first event.
Transform And Evolve: We release all other energy and emotions across time and space from the unconscious mind and cleanse the auric field.
Integration Of Higher Self: We take you to meet your higher self, receive any messages needed for the future, and we integrate her powerful vibration.
Observe The Transformation: You observe your higher self from within you and integrate all the learning from the session using mirror work.
Next Level Activation: This is our 21 day aftercare process that keeps you integrating with your higher self, connecting to the highest vibration, helping you to stay focused on your desires!
Why Choose The Activation Method™?

What Do You Get Within Your Activation Session?
This entire process elevates your beliefs, your emotions and your energetics to a high vibration which becomes your point of attraction, helping you to collapse time and call in your soul's desires.
Unlike other healing modalities, The Activation Method™ is also a manifesting modality, working across all four bodies - unlike anything else out there!
An (up to) 2 Hour Zoom Or In Person Session
Within this call we will be working together to discuss what you feel is holding you back at the moment, whether it is a belief or an emotion. For example, you have these big dreams but you just don't feel good enough. We work together to find out where this belief has come from. What is the root cause of this belief?
We then go into The Activation itself and I will guide you through step by step how we are going to clear that belief and the energy around it whilst you are in a meditative state, and finally set you free so you can manifest and create the life that you desire.
Your 21 Day Aftercare
This is where The Activation Method sets itself apart from any other healing modality. We recognised that our clients felt amazing after the session, but very quickly that magic wore off as life got in the way.
This is why we put in place the 21 day aftercare. Because we want to keep that magic alive! We want to keep you activated! So within this aftercare you will gain access to powerful morning and evening meditations and journal prompts to keep that connection to your higher self alive.
Your Questions Answered